Our practice areas


The dangers our environment is currently facing are multiple: climate change, flooding, erosion of biodiversity, various pollution, etc. Faced with such challenges, environmental protection has undoubtedly become a major priority for our society.

The cornerstone of this necessary protection, environmental law mobilizes, in a global approach, multiple transversal and multidisciplinary skills. 

Enshrined in European law, which is its primary source, environmental law requires in-depth knowledge not only in public and administrative law (administrative policies for water, air, waste, polluted soil, climate, biodiversity, etc.), but also in private law (contractual and extra-contractual responsibilities) and in human rights (right to health, right of access to justice, right to information, etc.)

L4N lawyers, specialized in environmental law, bring together these various skills and intend to put them at the service of the promotion, protection and restoration of our environment. This is their core business, which includes climate justice.

Environmental law is also inseparably linked to technical and scientific issues. The precautionary principle is a good example, which combines science and law. To have the most relevant technical knowledge available in the defense of the cases entrusted to them, L4N lawyers surround themselves with recognized experts and scientists where necessary.

Urban and land use plannings

The issues facing land use planning and urban planning are diverse and varied: urban sprawl and the correlative loss of natural spaces and agricultural land, soil sealing and inevitable risks of flooding, artificialization of our living spaces and correlative reduction of ecosystems and biodiversity, …

Town planning and land use planning law is constantly evolving to take these issues into account. Strengthening the densification of already urbanized areas, reducing the energy cost of buildings, promoting spontaneous biodiversity and ecological connectivity, regulating heat islands, limiting travel, favoring soft mobility, or even avoiding natural risks, etc. are all constraints that sustainable urban governance must take into consideration.

L4N lawyers specialize in town planning and regional development law and are committed to assisting their clients in respectful and prudent management of the territory and its resources.


Renewable energies are part of an economic market that is more respectful of the environment, in that they tend in particular to fight against climate change.

Renewable energy law is not only part of environmental law, but also of town planning law and economic law and therefore requires transversal and multidisciplinary skills. Renewable energy law also presents technical specificities and is experiencing an inflation of legal standards, which are constantly evolving.

L4N lawyers specialize in renewable energy law and intend to exercise their skills with the ultimate objective of defending the environmental cause.

Land use

The challenges facing our agriculture are multiple: ensuring food security in the face of geopolitical uncertainties, climate change and loss of biodiversity, reducing its ecological and climatic footprint, preserving natural resources, ensuring adequate consumer information through labeling nutritional, ensuring the well-being of farm animals, maintaining and maintaining landscapes, ensuring a decent income for farmers, leading the global transition towards competitive sustainability from farm to table, …

Even if significant efforts have already been made, the carbon and nitrogen balances of agriculture remain very high, the populations of birds and insects on agricultural land continue to decline, the contribution of the sector agricultural pollution of groundwater and surface water remains significant, the erosion of agricultural land continues, farmers’ income stagnates at a very low level, access to agricultural land becomes excessively difficult, and administrative constraints are increasingly heavier,…

A review of our agricultural models remains essential.

European agricultural law, notably through the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Green Deal, certainly develops a set of measures in favor of the sustainable use of essential natural resources, intended to strengthen the resilience of agricultural and food sectors of the European Union.

This approach, however, remains insufficient and is, moreover, fragile. The future Common Agricultural Policy risks reducing legitimately expected claims in terms of environmental protection and protection of farmers and consumers.

L4N’s lawyers are specialized in European agricultural law and are involved in the analysis of related texts, either to propose amendments, to challenge them in court, or to ensure compliance and adequate implementation under national law.

Ecological transition and sustainable development

Anxious to actively participate in the creation of a more equitable, united and resilient society, in which links between humans and with nature are privileged, L4N lawyers intend to put their skills at the service of the ecological transition and projects of sustainable development.